Sunday, 28 September 2008

Practical Example of Swing Timer

If you have to do something repetitively, what would you use? The first quick answer would be: loops (iteration). But that would prevent other things from happening until the loop is done! Threads can solve the seizing of control problem. But threads may be complex for someone who is new to programming and require some skill. What else can we use? Swing Timer!

Swing Timer

Swing timer provides a unique wrapper which presents threads in an event driven fashion. Imagine we need to display the text "hello" in the console every one second without having to seize the control. How would we do that using the swing timer class?

Note that there are three Timer classes in the Java API. We're using javax.swing.Timer. Make sure you have the correct import.

ActionListener listener = new ActionListener(){
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
Timer displayTimer = new Timer(1000, listener);

The swing timer has only one constructor which takes two parameters: the time gap (sometimes referred to as delay, in milliseconds) and an action listener. The swing timer fires an action event at specific intervals, which is handled by the action listener. The interval can be adjusted and more listeners can be added (and removed) as needs be using the setDelay(int) and addActionListener(ActionListener) (and removeActionListener(ActionListener)) methods. But let's keep it simple. For more details about available functionality provided by the swing timer class please refer to the javax.swing.Timer API.

Start the timer

No action will happen until the start() method is invoked. When the start method is invoked the timer waits for some time (referred to as initial delay) before it fires the first action event. This is governed by the initial delay which is initially set equal to the time gap provided as the constructor's first parameter. The initial delay can be adjusted accordingly using the setInitialDelay(int) method. It's important to set this value before invoking the start method.

Timer displayTimer = new Timer(1000, listener);

The above example will fire the first action immediately, as the initial delay is set to 0 milliseconds. It will trigger subsequent events with a one second (1000 milliseconds) interval.

Stop the timer

One of the best features provided by the swing timer is the ability to start and stop and even restart the timer without having to worry about the thread lifecycle.

Those who already worked with threads know that a thread cannot be restarted. Once ready, it must die (unreferenced) and another instance has to be instantiated in order to perform the thread's work.

To stop the swing timer, simple call the stop() method. This will stop the swing timer from firing any subsequent action events.


The swing timer can be restarted by simply calling the start() method again.

Restarting the swing timer

The swing timer can be restarted using the stop() start() methods. Alternatively, the restart() method can be used which cancels any pending firings of events and starts all over.


A graphical example

Let's create a simple applet which has a bouncing ball. The ball will stop moving once the user presses any key and starts bouncing again once another key is pressed again. This example will toggle the state of the swing timer between running and stopped. The swing timer provides a method called isRunning() which returns true if the swing timer is running, false otherwise.

    addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
      public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
        if (moveBallTimer.isRunning()) {
        } else {


The full applet code listed below

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;

import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.Timer;

public class SwingTimerAppletDemo1 extends JApplet {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 656209471758159755L;

  private Ellipse2D ball;
  private Timer moveBallTimer;
  private int moveX;
  private int moveY;

  public void init() {
    ball = new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, 10, 10);
    moveX = 5;
    moveY = 5;

    moveBallTimer = new Timer(100, new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
      public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
        if (moveBallTimer.isRunning()) {
        } else {


  protected void moveBall() {
    int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();

    Rectangle ballBounds = ball.getBounds();
    if (ballBounds.x + moveX < 0) {
      moveX = 5;
    } else if (ballBounds.x + ballBounds.width + moveX > width) {
      moveX = -5;
    if (ballBounds.y + moveY < 0) {
      moveY = 5;
    } else if (ballBounds.y + ballBounds.height + moveY > height) {
      moveY = -5;
    ballBounds.x += moveX;
    ballBounds.y += moveY;


  public void paint(Graphics g) {

    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;

  public void start() {

  public void stop() {

The above program is mainly doing two things: listens for user input through the keyboard and moving/bouncing the ball around the applet. This was possible as the swing timer makes use of threads to fire an action event and wait until the delay is over to fire the next action event. While waiting, the application can do other things such as listens to the user input.

What will happen if an action event is fired before the previous one has finish execution? By default the swing timer will merge consecutive action events into one. This behaviour is determined by the coalesce property. If set to false using the setCoalesce(boolean) method, the swing timer will fire all action event. This will cause queuing of action events as these are triggered at a faster rate than are handled.


The swing timer is a good candidate for invoking repetitive tasks without seizing the control. On the other hand, the tasks cannot be long lasting ones as otherwise it may block other things from happening making the application less responsive. The swing worker should be used for long lasting jobs.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Practical Example of Swing Worker

Please note that this page has moved to:

Java provides a neat way to carry out long lasting jobs without have to worry about threads and hanging the application. It's called SwingWorker. It's not the latest thing on Earth (released with Java 1.6) and you may have already read about it. What I never came across was a practical example of the swing worker.

Swing Worker

SwingWorker is an abstract class which hides the threading complexities from the developer. It's an excellent candidate for applications that are required to do tasks (such as retrieving information over the network/internet) which may take some time to finish. It's ideal to detach such tasks from the application and simply keep an eye on their progress. But before we hit the road and start working with the swing worker we have to see what "eye" are we going to put on our worker so to say.

The following example illustrates a simple empty worker that will return/evaluate to an integer when the given task is finished. It will inform the application (the "eye" thing) with what's happening using objects of type string, basically text messages.

import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
public class MyBlankWorker extends SwingWorker<Integer, String> {
  // Some code must go here

The string worker class provides two place holders (generics). The first one represents the type of object returned when the worker has finished working. The second one represents the type of information that the worker will use to inform (update) the application with its progress. The swing worker class also provides means to update the progress by means of an integer which has nothing to do with the two generics mentioned before.

Practical Example

Example: Let say we need to find the number of occurrences of a given word with in some documents. So we would be writing something like:

import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
public class SearchForWordWorker 
             extends SwingWorker<Integer, String> {
  private final String word;
  private final File[] documents;
  public SearchForWordWorker(String word, File[] documents){
    this.word = word;
    this.documents = documents;
  protected Integer doInBackground() throws Exception {
    int matches = 0;
    for(int i=0, size=documents.length; i<size; i++){
      // Update the status: the keep an eye on thing
      publish("Searching file: "+documents[i]);
      try {
        // Do the search stuff
        // Here you increment the variable matches
      } finally {
        // Close the current file
      // update the progress
      setProgress( (i+1) * 100 / size);
    return matches;

The first thing that comes into mind is where is the text "Searching file: ..." is going? The swing worker class provides another method called process which accepts a list (of type string in our case) and used to process the published information (which can be an object of any kind). Overriding this method, allows us to take full control of this information.

  protected void process(List<String> chunks){
    for(String message : chunks){

The above example is not much useful. We may need to update the status bar of an application or the text of the progress bar or a label sitting somewhere in the application. Since we may be monitoring this worker from various UI components, ideally we add a level of isolation between the worker and the UI components. In many examples, the worker was fed UI components as constructor parameters. I would go for interfaces instead to make the design pluggable when possible.

In other occasions a worker may be used to populate a table which information is coming from a slow source. In this case we may use the table model as one of the workers parameter and the array of objects representing the row. The following example makes use of the default table model as the design is simpler.

import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
public class PopulateTableWorker 
             extends SwingWorker<DefaultTableModel, Object[]> {
  private final DefaultTableModel model;
  public PopulateTableWorker(DefaultTableModel model){
    this.model = model;
  protected DefaultTableModel doInBackground() throws Exception {
    // While there are more rows
    while(Math.random() < 0.5){
      // Get the row from the slow source
      Object[] row = {1, "Java"};
      // Update the model with the new row
    return model;
  protected void process(List<Object[]> chunks){
    for(Object[] row : chunks){

Note that the table model interface does not support addition of new rows. Alternatively we can make use of the table model interface. The model must be able to add a new row when this is required as otherwise an exception may be thrown.

import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
public class PopulateTableWorker 
             extends SwingWorker<TableModel, Object[]> {
  private final TableModel model;
  private int rowIndex = 0;
  public PopulateTableWorker(TableModel model){
    this.model = model;
  protected TableModel doInBackground() throws Exception {
    // While there are more rows
    while(Math.random() < 0.5){
      // Get the row from the slow source
      Object[] row = {1, "Java"};
      // Update the model with the new row
    return model;
  protected void process(List<Object[]> chunks){
    for(Object[] row : chunks){
      for(int columnIndex=0, size=row.length; 
        model.setValueAt(row[columnIndex], rowIndex, columnIndex);

Back to our example, we can have an interface called Informable (or you can pick a name of your liking) with one method: messageChanged(String message), which will be invoked whenever some progress is made and published.

public interface Informable {
    void messageChanged(String message);

The worker also requires an instance of the interface as it will be used to publish the results through.

import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.SwingWorker;
public class SearchForWordWorker 
             extends SwingWorker<Integer, String> {
  private final String word;
  private final File[] documents;
  private final Informable informable;
  public SearchForWordWorker(String word,
                                File[] documents,
                                Informable informable){
    this.word = word;
    this.documents = documents;
    this.informable = informable;
  protected Integer doInBackground() throws Exception {
    int matches = 0;
    for(int i=0, size=documents.length; i<size; i++){
      // Update the status: the keep an eye on thing
      publish("Searching file: "+documents[i]);
      try {
        // Do the search stuff
        // Here you increment the variable matches
      } finally {
        // Close the current file
      // update the progress
      setProgress( (i+1) * 100 / size);
    return matches;
  protected void process(List<String> chunks){
    for(String message : chunks){

The above worker can be easily plugged into the application as show in the following example. This application has three graphical components: a label acting as a title displaying the latest message published by the worker; a text area which displays all messages published by the worker; and a progress bar showing the progress made.

Demo: Swing Worker Application

The label and text area are governed by Informable interface. The progress bar is governed by the worker's progress property.

import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Application extends JFrame {
  // The UI Components
  private JLabel label;
  private JProgressBar progressBar;
  private JTextArea textArea;
  private void initComponents(){
    // The interface will update the text of the UI components
    Informable informable = new Informable(){
      public void messageChanged(String message){
        textArea.append(message + "\n");
    // The UI components
    label = new JLabel("");
    add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH);

    textArea = new JTextArea(5, 30);
    add(new JScrollPane(textArea), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    progressBar = new JProgressBar();
    add(progressBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    //  The worker parameters
    String word = "hello";
    File[] documents = {new File(""),
                        new File(""),
                        new File("")};
    // The worker
    SearchForWordWorker worker =
           new SearchForWordWorker(word, documents, informable){
       // This method is invoked when the worker is finished
       // its task
      protected void done(){
        try {
          // Get the number of matches. Note that the 
          // method get will throw any exception thrown 
          // during the execution of the worker.
          int matches = get();
          label.setText("Found: "+matches);
          textArea.append("Matches Found: "+matches+"\n");

        }catch(Exception e){
                        "Error", "Search", 

    // A property listener used to update the progress bar
    PropertyChangeListener listener = 
                               new PropertyChangeListener(){
      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
        if ("progress".equals(event.getPropertyName())) {
          progressBar.setValue( (Integer)event.getNewValue() );
    // Start the worker. Note that control is 
    // returned immediately
  // The main method
  public static void main(String[] args){
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
      public void run(){
        Application app = new Application();

The above example builds the application and kicks off the worker. The worker updates the application through the Informable instance. While the worker is performing it task, the application can carry on doing other things (event listening and painting) without hanging.

Cancel the Worker

Can we cancel the task? Yes. The worker can be stopped or better cancelled. The worker provides a method called cancel which accepts a parameter of type boolean. This parameter determines whether or not the worker should be waked up should it be found sleeping.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Application extends JFrame {
  private JLabel label;
  private JProgressBar progressBar;
  private JTextArea textArea;
  private JButton  button;
  private SearchForWordWorker worker;
  private void initComponents(){
    // The interface will update the text of the UI components
    Informable informable = new Informable(){
      public void messageChanged(String message){
        textArea.append(message + "\n");
    // The UI components
    label = new JLabel("");
    add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    textArea = new JTextArea(5, 30);
    add(new JScrollPane(textArea), BorderLayout.CENTER);

    // The cancel button 
    button = new JButton("STOP");
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
        // Cancel the worker and wake it up should it be sleeping
    add(button, BorderLayout.EAST);
    progressBar = new JProgressBar();
        add(progressBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    //  The worker parameters
    String word = "hello";
    File[] documents = {new File(""),
                        new File(""),
                        new File("")};
    // The worker
    worker = new SearchForWordWorker(word, documents, informable){
      protected void done(){
        try {
          int matches = get();
          label.setText("Found: "+matches);

          textArea.append("Matches Found: "+matches+"\n");
        }catch(Exception e){
                       "Error", "Search", 

    // A property listener used to update the progress bar
    PropertyChangeListener listener = 
                               new PropertyChangeListener(){
      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
        if ("progress".equals(event.getPropertyName())) {
          progressBar.setValue( (Integer)event.getNewValue() );
    // Start the worker. Note that control is 
    // returned immediately
  public static void main(String[] args){
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
      public void run(){
        Application app = new Application();

This will cause the worker's get method to throw the exception CancellationException to indicate that the worker was forced cancellation.


One thing to take from this article is: when possible do not refer to UI components directly from the worker. The worker is better viewed as the subject of the observer pattern. Provide an interface which the worker will use to communicate with its owner (application).

Monday, 1 September 2008

Automatic logon on Intranet Sites from Java Web Application

We can have Microsoft Internet Explorer providing information of the current logged in user when accessing intranet sites. Then we can use NTLM to retrieve such information as discussed in this article.

Note that Kerberos is more secure than NTLM.

Configure Internet Explorer for Windows Native Authentication

The following article is an abstract from:

Configure Internet Explorer to use Windows Native Authentication. How you do this depends on which version you have.

  • Internet Explorer 5.0 and Later
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 Only

Internet Explorer 5.0 and Later

To configure Internet Explorer 5.0 and later, perform the following steps:

  1. From the menu bar, select Tools, then, from the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options dialog box, select the Security tab.
  3. On the Security tab page, select Local Intranet, then select Sites.
  4. In the Local intranet dialog box, select Include all sites that bypass the proxy server; then click Advanced.
  5. In the advanced version of the Local intranet dialog box, enter the URL of the middle tier server.
  6. Click OK to exit the Local intranet dialog boxes.
  7. In the Internet Options dialog box, select the Security tab; then choose Local intranet; then choose Custom Level.
  8. In the Security Settings dialog box, scroll down to the User Authentication section and then select Automatic logon only in Intranet zone.
  9. Click OK to exit the Security Settings dialog box.

Internet Explorer 6.0 Only

If you are using Internet Explorer 6.0, perform the above steps in "Internet Explorer 5.0 and Later" then perform the following steps:

  1. From the menu bar, select Tools, then, from the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options dialog box, select the Advanced tab.
  3. On the Advanced tab page, scroll down to the Security section.
  4. Select Enable Integrated Windows Authentication (requires restart).

The above setting can be applied using Group Policy Objects. Please refer to: for further information about this.

Retrieve username from Java Servlet

The following code is also available at:

The method doIt (within a Servlet) gets the authorisation from the request header if it is available.

protected void doIt(HttpServletRequest request,
     HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

 String auth = request.getHeader("Authorization");
 if (auth == null) {
  response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM");

 if (auth.startsWith("NTLM ")) {
  byte[] msg =
   new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder()
  int off = 0, length, offset;
  if (msg[8] == 1) {
   byte z = 0;
   byte[] msg1 =
   { (byte)'N', (byte)'T', (byte)'L', (byte)'M', (byte)'S',
     (byte)'S', (byte)'P', z, (byte)2, z, z, z, z, z, z, z,
     (byte)40, z, z, z, (byte)1, (byte)130, z, z, z, (byte)2,
     (byte)2, (byte)2, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z, z };
          "NTLM " 
          + new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encodeBuffer(msg1));
  } else if (msg[8] == 3) {
   off = 30;

   length = msg[off + 17] * 256 + msg[off + 16];
   offset = msg[off + 19] * 256 + msg[off + 18];
   String remoteHost = new String(msg, offset, length);

   length = msg[off + 1] * 256 + msg[off];
   offset = msg[off + 3] * 256 + msg[off + 2];
   String domain = new String(msg, offset, length);

   length = msg[off + 9] * 256 + msg[off + 8];
   offset = msg[off + 11] * 256 + msg[off + 10];
   String username = new String(msg, offset, length);

   PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
   out.println("Username: " + username);
   out.println("RemoteHost: " + remoteHost);
   out.println("Domain: " + domain);